Sunday, July 3, 2016

Quinceanera Party

We've had an amazing few days in Doctor Mora, Mexico!  The family of Rudy, one of the boys we've known for three years and have become close to, at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Tucson, 
invited us a year ago to Rudy's sister's quinceanera.  We accepted their invitation 
and made plans over the past year for this trip.

Yesterday was the big day of the quinceanera!  We started the day early.  At 1, we were waiting outside Rudy's family home, watching for a surprise limo for Sabrina.  The limo got lost and
arrived just 10 minutes before the church service began.  Papa saw the limo turn the wrong way
on the street, so he honked until they stopped.  Sabrina was quite surprised with the
big white Hummer limo ride to the church.  We followed in our car.  

After the church service, we went to the party venue, with tables and chairs for 300, giant bouquets of red roses with white statice, and ten decorated cakes on a horse pulled cart with a fountain.  As we were served dinner of roasted pork with tortillas, rice and potatoes, a mariachi band arrived and played for close to three hours.  They were the best mariachi band I've ever heard!  

As the mariachis were leaving, a big band of 25 or more, set up and played as Sabrina and her court performed choreographed dances, and she danced with her Dad and brother, Rudy.  Everyone joined in the dancing by 10 and the party went on to 2 a.m.  I took lots of photos of very happy family and friends.  Papa tried speaking Spanish with as many people as possible.  Everyone welcomed us with open arms.  It was an experience we will never forget!