Sunday, September 20, 2009

San Xavier Del Bac

Visiting San Xavier Del Bac on the Tohono O'odham Reservation south of Tucson yesterday, was a reminder of the rich history of the Tucson area.  Celebrated Jesuit missionary and explorer, Father Kino, first visited Bac in 1692. Eight years later in 1700, Father Kino laid the foundations of the first church, two miles north of the present site of the Mission.  Father Kino was born in Segno, Italy, in 1645 and came to Mexico in 1681.  He became famous in what is now northwestern Mexico and the southwestern United States (primarily northern Sonora and southern Arizona) for his exploration of the region and for his work to Christianize the indigenous Native American population. He established twenty-four missions.

San Xavier was built from 1783 - 1797 and is acclaimed by many to be the finest example of mission architecture in the United States.  It is a graceful blend of several architectural styles.  The interior is a dazzling gilt of colors.  Time and the harsh desert weather have taken a toll on the the beauty within the church and the entire mission complex.  The Mission is undergoing restoration to clean, repair and preserve as much as possible.