Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Grammar's 76th Birthday

Today, June 4, is my Mom's 76 birthday.  She is known as Grammar by our girls and grandchildren.  Whitney sent Papa and me a list of questions about our childhood a few days ago.  One of the questions was, "What are one or two of your memories of being with your Mom when growing up?"

My answer:  "I always loved pretty clothes and Mom made most of them.  When the Sears catalogue came out three times/year, spring, summer, and Christmas, I remember going through the catalogue and choosing sweaters to buy.  Mom and I would go shopping to buy fabric and she would make skirts and slacks to match my sweaters.  When I was in high school, Mom made a red patent maxi coat for me.  I was voted Best Dressed in my senior year of high school, mostly because Mom made so many clothes for me! 

We had a big garden every summer.  At the end of summer, I remember sitting on the front porch with Mom and and bushel baskets of green beans, snapping the ends and breaking them into pieces, and shucking bushel baskets of corn that Mom would cut off the cob on the big chopping block in our kitchen, for canning."

So many happy memories made through the years with my Mom.  This is a recent photo of Mom with me and the girls.  Happy Birthday, Grammar!