Saturday, October 29, 2016


We are spending two nights in Cordoba and are enjoying every moment!  The layout of the city is superb for living and touring, with big plazas, river walks on both sides of the river (crossed by a Roman bridge), wide and lush shaded parks, flowing fountains.  We spent a couple of hours in the Mezquita, stunning with over 850 columns, constructed as a mosque in the 700's and 
converted to a Catholic cathedral in 1236 and following. 

We enjoyed paella for lunch at a cafe on Plaza de las Tendillas.  We toured the Alcazar, which had beautiful gardens landscaped with multiple water featuress.  The Alcazar was built over many centuries with the first fortress built by the Visigoths.  Alfonso XI of Castile began building the current structure on the site in 1328.  It was later the home of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand and is the location of their meeting with Christopher Columbus in 1492 before his first voyage to the Americas.  We joined everyone else in Cordoba at dusk for a stroll.  Multi-generation families and couples walk arm in arm every evening before dinner.  We had a very good day in Cordoba!