Friday, July 31, 2015

Indian Caves with Colter Lee

Colter Lee come over early this morning.  Papa and I set off with him by 8, to hike to two Indian caves.  The first was on the far side of Rattlesnake Canyon.  We explored the site, with Colter Lee climbing into all the shallow caves.  We checked out the red marks on the wall, the grindstone, and I found a stone carving tool laying in the rocks.  A real find!  As we were hiking back down into the canyon, we saw a rattlesnake.  Yikes!

We drove the Ranger to another site, and hiked to a second Indian cave.  This one was smaller, but has great places to climb.  After finding a tool at the first site, Colter Lee was hopeful to find an arrowhead.  We had no such luck, but we had a good time!