Sunday, May 24, 2015

Papa's Birthday

Today is Papa's birthday!  We started our day in Kentucky.  We were up early and headed to the airport by 8.  We were scheduled on separate flights through the day, but we landed in Tucson within five minutes of each other.  We went out for dinner at Firebirds and had gelato at Frost, then went to the Tucson house for an overnight.

Papa has received calls from Audrey, Brian, Claire, and Emily.  Its been a good day!  Sixty nine seems a big year!  We have much to be grateful for... good health, sound mind, and happiness!  We're already planning a 70th birthday party for 2016!  Happy Birthday, Papa!
This photo was taken by a friend in January, in the canyon nearest our house, with Indian markings on the wall.  Its a favorite spot.