Thursday, April 30, 2015

Doc's Wound

Early Sunday morning, Papa and I woke to a giant crack of lightning.  It felt as if it was just a few feet from the house.  Papa got up to be sure a fire wasn't started.  At daylight, we saw our horse, Doctor in the house yard.  Light rain was falling, so Papa waited about an hour before letting Doctor through the gate.  Later in the morning, he tightened the fence and we didn't think more about it. 

Around 6 on Monday evening, Papa came to the house and said he needed my help.  He believes when the lightning struck, our horses were within a few feet and they were frightened.  It appears Doc rared up and came down on a T-post.  He has a fist size puncture wound where his back right leg meets his belly. 

I drove the truck to the corral while Papa walked Doc down the hill.  We hooked up the horse trailer and Papa took Doc to our nearest neighbor for help.  The wound was gaping and in such an awkward spot, that they thought the best thing to do was put antibiotic salve on it, and watch Doc a few days. 

Papa stayed home on Tuesday when I went to Tucson for BGC, so he could check on Doc every couple of hours.  He's been doing various chores at the corral yesterday and today, to stay nearby.  
Doc is limping and doesn't feel good.  I checked on him this morning.  Poor Doctor!