Sunday, August 10, 2014

Horses through the Fence

Papa and I drove to Sierra Vista yesterday to do some shopping.  When we returned to the ranch, Papa went down to feed the horses, but they were not at the corral.  As he drove back up the hill, he spotted them on the next ridge over from the house, at the dirt tank.  He drove over to meet them in the Ranger.  They were happy to see Papa, running and jumping.  I hiked up the mountain to watch.  Papa followed them in the Ranger, then got out to "assist" with a rope halter, to get them to go back to the corral for their evening hay.  They were having none of it, turned and walked up the mountain to the opening in the fence.  Our guess is that bulls pushed the fence down.  Papa rode up in the Ranger with his bag of fence tools, to mend the downed fence.  All the while a storm was brewing to the east, punctuated by a beautiful rainbow.  We love Winchester Ranch!