Monday, February 24, 2014

Last Day of Visit

Sunday was Whitney, Toby, and Greta's last day of this visit on the ranch.  After breakfast of pancakes, we colored horses, played outside, then went down the hill.  We hiked up the creek to find lots of volcanic rocks, which Toby was quite intrigued with.  We went to the corral.  Whitney and Toby brushed down Oscar, and Whitney rode Oscar and Doc with Papa.  Greta rode Doc a bit, then she and Toby played in the creek.  The creek morphed from "the creep" to "the creek," as Greta learned a new word.  We had a picnic lunch.  Carly, Colter, Madilyn, Colter Lee, and Traven joined us for an early dinner.  The kids played and the boys went down to feed the horses with Papa.  Greta had fun with Madilyn in the backyard, jumping from rock to rock.  Another good day.