Sunday, October 14, 2012

10 Things Children Will Always Remember

This has been a week of reminiscing after losing Aunt Rhea on Monday.  I've gone through old photos and have smiled remembering all the trips to visit her and Uncle Wayne, as I was growing up, with my children, and in the years since Papa and I have been empty nesters.  I came across a website, with "10 Things Children Will Always Remember."   I agree with so many of her thoughts and have copied some here.  

From  I am sharing with you today 10 things that I will never forget.
I had a wonderful childhood not because of the things we had but because we had each other.  This post is about creating sweet moments that our children will always remember.



The important part is not to miss the times when affection is needed.  Let’s give our children the gift to grow up saying…  My parents always knew when I needed a hug.

Have Family Traditions!

Share a meal!
The best treat a child will have is the memory of sharing a meal.
This is the perfect time to talk, plan, rest, eat, work together and clean up together.  Let’s give our children the gift of growing up saying…  In my family we ate together!

You are my favorite!
It is super important for every child to feel special in an individual way.



Find something that your family will enjoy. 
Board games, hiking, fishing, camping, biking, reading, watching a movie, any activity that provides a quality family fun time will unite our children while making memories that they will never forget. Let’s give our children the gift of growing up saying…
In my family we spent time together, we had fun together, we played together.

Our children lives are made of little moments.
Those moments many times are highlighted by events,
school assemblies, birthdays, rehearsals, sport competitions, parent teacher conferences.
Those moments are special to them mostly because they feel and believe that they are special to us.
When we remember those moments, when we show up, when we take with pride those pictures,
and wave with excitement, when our children see that we remember, they seem to never forget.
Let’s give our children the gift of growing up saying…
My parents were always there for me.

My grandpa told me once that love is made of love. 
We cannot say we love someone and then ignore them.  We cannot say that we love someone and then neglect them.  When we love we say it.  When we love we show it.  When we love we build up those around us, we don’t destroy them.  When we love a child, we build their character, we wish and hope for the best.  We thank them, we pray for them,
because LOVE is made of LOVE.
In conclusion…
Memories are not free, however they don’t cost money but time and that is what makes them so valuable.  It is for us to make each moment count, no matter our circumstances, our past, or how much or how little we have.  We can create a place called home where every child is entitled to a beautiful childhood.  So let’s imagine a moment and create a memory!