Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bosque del Apache

Yesterday morning, Papa and I got up very early to drive to Socorro, New Mexico.  Papa drove the truck, pulling the horse trailer, to pick up 400 t-posts, 40 rolls of barbed wire, post clips, and stays.  I rode along to keep Papa company, but my ulterior motive was to go to Bosque del Apache.  
Papa played along, so we stopped in San Antonio for lunch at the Buckhorn Tavern, 
then we drove to Bosque del Apache.

We stopped when we saw lots of sandhill cranes and ducks.  With my camera strapped on, I walked along a dike parallel to the road, and got as close as I could to the birds.  I clicked away!  The setting and the birds were beautiful!  The birds were noisy and across the road, just out of sight, there were thousands of squawking Canadian geese.  What a special place!