Friday, November 25, 2011


After a full day of travel and the 13.5 hour flight from Amman, we arrived in Chicago on Monday evening for a short visit with Audrey and Dan.  As it is Thanksgiving week, we shopped for groceries, I went to Audrey's OB checkup with her, and we ran lots of errands.  On Wednesday, we had Papa's cousin Ken over for lunch.  We enjoyed our visit with him and recalled memories made when he and Aunt Shirley visited the ranch a few years ago.  Audrey and Dan are ready 
for the arrival of their baby girl, any day now!

Dan's parents, Lavonne and Jim arrived on Wednesday evening and we had dinner together.  
So nice to be with family!  On Thanksgiving morning, we were off to the airport and 
on our way home, after 5 weeks away.