Friday, July 29, 2011

Rain Deluge

On Sunday evening, as we were preparing to have guests for dinner, a rain cloud enveloped us with 63mph winds.  We got at least 3" of rain in less than an hour.  Wind was blowing the rain and hail horizontally, so we had water coming in around the front door and the sliding doors on the north side of the house.  Cousin Dickie, Susan, Elizabeth and Katherine jumped right in and helped mop the floors with towels.  As the rain passed, we had a clean floor!

The real damage from the rain was to our road.  With our mountains of rock, there was incredible runoff that knocked a tree across our road and washed the surface off most of our 2.5 mile driveway, so jagged solid rock is now exposed in many places, with the road narrowing in places to barely the width of my Hummer.  We will need a dozer to help us push enough dirt back on the roadbed for it to be easily passable again.  Papa has been out on Fergie, yesterday and today, trying to make improvements to the road. 

There is additional damage in every creek on the ranch, where fences cross.  Papa spent time yesterday at one creek crossing where the water got up to 15' deep.  Since we bought the ranch in 2003, we've never had a rain like this one!  We are grateful for the rain.  Grass is growing!