Thursday, February 3, 2011

Zero Degrees

The recorded temperature at the ranch last night was 0!  At the same time the wind was blowing up to 50 mph.  It was a very cold night!  We woke up to a frozen water pump and no running water in the house.  By 2 p.m. the temperature had risen to 15 and still no running water, so we packed up and drove to our Tucson house.  Tucson had the lowest recorded temperature in its history last night at 18 degrees.  It is expected to be 21 degrees tonight in Tucson.  Brrrrrrrr!

Post script... We stayed one night in Tucson and came back to the ranch.  The temperature was 54. Still we had no running water in the house.  Papa checked the water pump in the tower, and the water inside the pump was still frozen.  Papa took the pump apart and we heated it up slowly on the stove, to thaw the ice inside.  He put it all back together, and we had running water again!  Thank goodness!