Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Keeping things Fresh

Over the past couple of weeks, Papa and I have been painting and freshening the bunkhouse and Rock House on the Ranch.  The bunkhouse painting is close to being complete, with only the doors left to paint.  I started painting the Rock House yesterday.  There is much left to do! 

Soon after we purchased the Ranch in 2003, we began renovating the Rock House and bunkhouse.  We replaced the roofs, rebuilt ceilings that had caved in, had the plumbing reworked, and both houses were rewired electrically.  We cleaned all the junk out of both and had a pile in the driveway that was at least 6' tall x 20' wide.  It became quite a bonfire!  By the time we got to painting, it was early 2004, cold, and we were in a hurry to finish.  This time around, we are taking our time and the results are nicer.