Sunday, January 3, 2010


The last two weeks have been busy.  I left the ranch on Tuesday, December 22, to go to Tucson to prepare for the arrival of our family.  I shopped for groceries, flowers, and last minute gifts, then spent a couple of days getting everything ready for arrivals.  Whitney, Corey, and Toby flew in from NYC on the morning of December 25, and Claire and David flew in from a visit with his family in Los Angeles that same day.  We visited Tohono Chul Park late that afternoon.  We hiked in Pima Canyon, baked cookies, played games, had a private viewing at the Center for Creative Photography at UA, the boys played golf, we worked on an impossible puzzle, and we enjoyed wonderful meals together.  Having our new grandson visit us for the first time was special all day every day.  Audrey and Dan flew in the night of December 28. 

The next day was Christmas!  Watching Toby open and play with his gifts was a highlight of the morning!  At six months, he is curious about everything and sweet as can be!  Papa made chinks for Toby and new leather handbags for the girls.  Stockings were full and everybody received gifts from their wish list.  We laugh every year at various wrapping jobs and Claire outdid herself this year with torn pieces of wrapping paper describing gifts that were in email inboxes.  Brenda and Newton, our next door neighbors joined us for Christmas brunch then Newton took photos of us all.  The boys played golf in the afternoon while the girls shopped a bit.  We had a late Christmas dinner.   The chocolate chess pie and maple pecan pie were highlights!

Our family party started to break up on the 30th when Claire and David flew back to DC.  Whitney, Corey, and Toby left for NYC on the 31st.  Audrey and Dan stayed a couple extra days, and we went to the ranch until January 3.  Time at the ranch was filled with playing games, long walks, feeding and brushing down Oscar and Pablo, cooking and eating.

Alas all good things come to an end.  These past two weeks have been wonderful family time.  I love my girls, their husbands, and grandson Toby.  I am a very lucky Lulu!