Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sincere Thank You

In today's mail, I received a printed thank you card from Aunt Margaret, after her 80th birthday parties.  It was so beautifully written, I want to share it.

   The parties are over!  Tea with Lee on Thursday, cookout on Friday evening, brunch on Saturday morning, the surprise finale on Saturday afternoon and the encore on Sunday at noon with leftovers from Saturday.  The house is quiet, but smoke from the candles lingers in the air.  The tired loved ones are saying we will not do this again for 80 years!
   It is my time to say thank you for all the warm hugs, cards, gifts, smiles, your presence at a party, bouquet of 80 roses, sharing stories of pleasant times in the past, and every expression of warmth.
   I could write individual notes, but there is no way to include just what your smile, hug, card and encouragement means to me.
   To those who rearranged schedules, made trips to the airport, drove thousands of miles, took care of the sick and learned ways to avoid the truth, thank you.
   To my children, thanks.  You performed just the way you have been taught with class and dignity.  Everything in my life has not been first class, but I can tell you that I have a first class family and friends.
   Your expression of kindness has given me determination to help make the life of others more meaningful if possible.  Thank you for being a part of my life.

Sincere love,