Thursday, September 17, 2015

Papa's Surgery

Papa had kidney surgery at Mayo today.  The surgery was longer than anticipated, but he came through with flying colors.  Papa didn't feel so good in the evening after surgery.  Audrey stayed with him overnight at the hospital, while I went back to the hotel to reserve for an extra night and to get a bit of rest.  I was back at the hospital by 5:30 the next morning, in time for doctors visits, beginning at 6.  They called Papa's kidney, "a stone quarry."  The surgery was more complicated than expected but they got all the stones, leaving a bit of "stone dust" behind.  The doctors are hopeful Papa will pass the "stone dust" normally.  We've spent another day at Mayo, with various tests performed, mostly to be sure Papa is well enough to go home.  The next month should be interesting, as he is not to lift anything weighing more than 10 pounds or get much exercise.  We are most anxious to get test results back, so we can start ASAP to avoid whatever it is that is causing Papa's kidney stones.  Onward, Papa!